We maintain an online database of short biographies and biograms.


Our guiding principles:                                        

  •         We compile and present verified short biographies including a reference list.
  •         Our main focus is on German-speaking figures of the 20th century.
  •         We combine profession-centred and patient-centred historiography.
  •         Our focus is on patient-centred historiography.
  •         We generally include individuals who have been deceased for at least two years.
  •         Our aim is to promote a participatory approach to historiography.

Our database does not claim to be exhaustive. The main criteria of selection are the historical significance of the individuals portrayed and the availability of information. The selection also reflects our own research with its sub-projects and the expertise of our authors. Responsibility for the content of the biographies rests with the authors.


Short biographies and biograms can offer only limited information. Please consult the listed references for more detailed information.


Our Website is a bilingual open access project.